Chester Park Infant and Chester Park Junior School are committed to providing the very best education for our young people and we want our pupils to be healthy, happy and safe and to do well. We recognise the importance of establishing and maintaining good relationships with parents, carers and the wider community.
Complaints Procedure Summary We welcome all feedback that helps us to improve our school and take all concerns seriously. |
Informal Stage : Initial Feedback (or Concern) to School |
Parents/carers of Chester Park Infant or Junior School pupils should arrange an appointment to speak to us face-to-face or by phone. We will always do our best to meet with parents/carers as soon as possible. Any other persons wishing to provide feedback or raise a concern should contact the school’s Administrator via the reception, or by phone or email (details are on the school’s website). Verbal or written feedback/concern acknowledged within 1 school day. We aim to resolve most concerns at this stage, offering our initial response within 3 school days. However, in more complex cases we will arrange a meeting, phone call or written response within 10 school days by the most appropriate staff member. The school will inform the person raising the concern as soon as practical should a longer timeframe be required. |
Stage One: Formal Complaint Heard by Headteacher |
The person raising the concern is required to complete a Complaints Form and submit it to the school c/o the school’s Bursar. Written concern acknowledged within 1 school day. If the matter has not been resolved at the informal stage, we will arrange a meeting with the Headteacher for further investigation within 10 school days followed by a verbal or written response within 10 school days. If the concern is about the Headteacher, the matter should be referred to the Chair of Governors c/o School Bursar. The Chair of Governors will arrange a meeting with the person raising the concern for further investigation within 10 school days followed by a verbal or written response within 10 school days. The Headteacher/Chair will inform the person raising the concern as soon as practical should a longer timeframe be required. |
Stage Two: Complaint Heard by Governing Body’s Complaints Appeal Panel |
The Complainant should write to the Chair of Governors c/o the Clerk to the Governors. The Chair will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 5 school days. The Chair will ask the Clerk to convene a Governors’ Appeal Panel if appropriate, to hear the appeal within 20 school days from receipt of the complaint. The Governors’ Complaints Appeal Panel will provide a written response within 10 school days of the appeal hearing. The Chair of Governors/Clerk will inform the complainant as soon as practical should a longer timeframe be required. |
Final Stage : Right of Appeal to the Secretary of State for Education |
The Complainant should refer the complaint to the Secretary of State for Education. Further details can be found at, |
The Federation Complaints Procedure can be read in full here: